Coming together to Celebrate the day with unity and pride; moving the nation further at a graceful stride, St. Mary’s English Higher Primary School celebrated the 78th Independence Day on 15th August 2024. This day was celebrated with festivity graced by Dr. Supriya Hegde Aroor who is currently a professor and head of the department of Psychiatry at Fr Mullers medical college.

 The programme began with the honourable Chief Guest Dr. Supriya Hegde Aroor hoisting the tricolour flag at 8.30 a.m. in the presence of the entire school fraternity. To symbolize patriotism with singing National Anthem and Vijay Vishwathi was presented in a glorious way with the gathering of Parents, Students and Teachers. The Chief Guest was introduced by Tr. Shalini Dsouza. The chief guest then addressed the gathering with his thought provoking message on patriotism, peace and upholding the virtues.














 The programme continued with the meaningful prayer service, spectacular dances, skit and a patriotic singing by the students of Class VI B and II B. The significance was well presented to all, by highlighting the importance of the day’s celebration. The performance brought back memories to everyone of the freedom that we enjoy because of the sacrifice of the freedom fighters and soldiers of our nation. A team of students of both the classes proposed the vote of thanks showing gratitude to all.















The entire cultural programme was compered by Aafiya Nafeesa, Alima Shiza, Aamina Zainab and Clive DSouza.

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