St. Mary’s English Higher Primary School, Falnir, Mangaluru, joyously celebrated the school feast, the feast of Queenship of Mary the patroness of the school on 21 August with great devotion and fervour.

The programme organised by class 4 B and 1 A was vibrant display on faith, tradition and community spirit. The programme commenced with a prayer service invoking the divine blessings through the intercession of Mother Mary. The students welcomed the audience with a graceful song followed by a welcome speech.



 The chief guest of the day Mrs. Manisha Felcita Patrao was welcomed with a bouquet of flowers. The value of obedience was highlighted in the skit titled as “The lesson of obedience”. Series of dances mesmerized the audience and brought the spirit of festivity.
The chief guest highlighted the virtue of obedience. Mrs. Manisha Patrao asked the students to implement the virtues of Mother Mary such as mother, active, responsible and yearning in their day today life.








The event concluded with a heartfelt vote of thanks expressing gratitude to the chief guest, school faculty and the students involved in making the celebration a success. The whole programme was compered by Janvi and Rijwal Raj of class 4B. 

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