On Monday 01 July 2024, St. Mary’s English Higher Primary School had organised a spiritual Seminar conducted by Fr. Ashwin Lohith Cardoza at 9:00 am in Mother Veronica Hall.

Catholic students of class 5, 6 and 7 had attended the seminar. All together there were 60 participants.

The seminar began with the prayer service conducted by the students of class 7. The speaker of the day was introduced and welcomed by Tr. Shalini D Souza. Sarah Pinto religious leader offered flower bouquet to the speaker. The headmistress Sr. Maisie A.C. was also been welcomed by teacher.



It was a very interactive and motivational session for students where they had to share their understanding on faith prayer and role of child in catholic family. Students were involved in group activity, sharing their experience about prayer and God’s presence in their life. They also shared the qualities of being good catholic child.






The session came to an end at 11:00 am with a formal vote of thanks.

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