Celebration of international yoga day at St. Mary’s Mother Veronica hall on 21 June 2024 at 9:00 am. International yoga day is observed every year as an ancient practice that harmonizes the body, mind and spirit through various postures.

The event began with a soulful prayer song by the students of class 6, setting a serene and contemplative atmosphere for our gathering. A warm welcome with introduction by Rimsha Iqbal of class 7 was extended to our esteemed guest Mrs. Parvathi M.G.K., who is a dedicated practitioner and advocate of yoga.


As a symbol enlightenment and auspiciousness, the event was inaugurated with the lighting of the lamp by our dignitaries. Following the lamp lighting, our talented boys and girls demonstrated various yoga asanas to enhance physical flexibility and also to promote mental clarity and inner peace. It was a privilege to hear from the chief guest who shared insights into the profound significance of yoga in modern life. Her speech illuminated the transformative power of yoga and its relevance in today’s world.



Finally to express gratitude to all who have contributed to this memorable event, Yajna Kotian of class 7 delivered the vote of thanks, acknowledging the efforts of pariticipants, organisers and the supportive audience. The whole programme was compered by Tr. Veera. The celebration ended with a huge success.


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