Staff meeting and Orientation programme held in Mother Veronica hall on 27th May 2024, the school administration held a meeting led by Sr. Maisie A.C. the headmistress, to kickstart the new academic year with enthusiasm and positivity. The meeting began with a motivational video to inspire and energize the attendees. The aims and objectives helped align everyone with the school’s overarching goals and plans for the year ahead.

Furthermore duties and responsibilities were distributed among the staff members to ensure smooth functioning and effective coordination within the school.

As a special highlight of the meeting Sr. Bridget the Principal of our Lady of Lourdes School, Chennai, delivered a talk to the staff on “Joy of being Human”. Her insights and expertise were appreciated as she shared valuable information and guidance with the teaching staff. She insisted on the quote “You are called to serve and so small things with great love”. It was an enriching experience for all present, offering new perspectives and ideas to enhance the teaching – learning process.

Overall the meeting led by Sr. Maisie the Headmistress was a productive and engaging start to the academic year, laying the foundation for a successful and fulfilling year ahead. The involvement of all staff members and the contributions made by the resource person underscored the spirit of collaboration and shared commitment to excellence within the school community.

In wrapping up the meeting, Tr. Rajini extended heartfelt gratitude to the resource person and to the staff. The contribution and active participation were acknowledged as crucial elements in making the meeting a success. With appreciation it was concluded by expressing optimism for future collaborations and dedication in providing the best possible education for students.






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