Knowledge is power, information is liberating, and Education is the promise of progress in every society, in every family.
The Joint Secretary Sr. Maria Kripa A.C. organized an orientation for the faculty of St. Mary’s Campus on the topic of value based Apostolic Carmel education at preparatory school hall on 28th May 2024 at 9:30 am.

The programme began through prayer song. The resource person for the day was Sr. Dr. Clare A.C. The former Principal of St. Ann’s B.Ed College, Mangaluru.


 Sister addressed the teachers and helped us to know “Who we are and why we are here” she also highlighted the difference between Vision and Mission Statement and also helped us to understand the objectives of the institution which includes – Faith formation, Social concern, Intellectual formation, emotional development.





Sister was welcomed by Tr. Ena Mariet Lobo of St. Mary’s High School and thanked by Tr. Plabita of St. Mary’s English Higher Primary School.
The orientation programme concluded with a photo session. 

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