“Everyday is a beginning”. The commence of the academic year 2024-25 was held at Preparatory school hall for the staff of St. Mary’s had an enlightening session on the topic “How to be an Inspired teacher”. It was hosted by the esteemed speaker Dr. Sr. Jeswina A.C. In this insightful session. The resource person shared her wisdom and expertise on, how to become an inspired teacher and make a lasting impact in the lives of our students. She provided practical tips, strategies and insights to help us reignite our passion for teaching and create a positive learning environment for our students.

We will discover the power of inspiration, unleash our full potential as educators and strive to inspire, motivate and empower our students. The highlighted quote of the session is “Everyone is like a pencil, created by the maker for a unique and special purpose”.  So we are all made to be great things.









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