St. Mary’s English Higher Primary school organised a session for the students of classes 3 to 7 on 13 September 2024 at 1:15 PM in Mother Veronica Hall. The topic for the session was “Waste Management” – most crucial topic among today’s generation, which refers to the process of collecting, processing, recycling and disposing of waste material. The resource person for the same was Mr Jeeth Milan Roche and Mr Ganesh from Vana Charitable Trust. Students were explained about four types of bins such as wet waste bin, dry waste bin, hazardous waste bin and e-waste bin. He also explained and given examples of different items which has to be disposed in different bins.


Students were actively participated throughout the session from which they have gained a lot of information and knowledge, with examples. It was a productive session.


Clive DSouza of class 6 welcomed the gathering and Sarah Pinto of class 7 expressed words of gratitude. 


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