St Mary’s English Higher Primary school proudly celebrated its first ever Father's day on 15 June 2024 in Mother Veronica hall at 9.00 am with an event filled with joy appreciation and bonding. This special day was dedicated to honor the fathers acknowledging their invaluable contribution and support.

The dads were welcomed with the rose offered by the students of class 7. The program began with the ceremonial lighting of the lamp symbolising knowledge and enlightenment. The students of class 6 led a meaningful prayer service in which they prayed for fathers and express their gratitude.










 The vibrant welcome dance by the talented students warmly greeted the fathers and set the stage for the day’s festivities.

Mr. Gopalakrishna Bhat, Police Inspector Special Branch of the Police commissioner office, Mangaluru, the chief guest of the day was given a warm floral welcome with the short introduction and was appreciated for gracing the occasion with his presence.

Our energetic students in acted as kit followed by a captivating dance performance each dedicated to the fathers.

To add an element of fun and frolic a few games were conducted.The winners were awarded with the prizes.










 Mr. Maxim D'souza proposed the vote of thanks on behalf of the all fathers for organising such a meaningful celebration.

As a token of love and remembrance all the fathers were given a pen each and refreshments were served.


The event concluded with the photo session creating lasting memories of the special occasion. It was a wonderful opportunity for students to express their gratitude and for fathers to feel cherished and recognised.

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