The Teacher’s Day program at Mother Veronica hall on 5 September 2024, conducted by the school cabinet, under the guidance of our esteemed Headmistress Sr. Maise, was a heartwarming celebration of gratitude and joy. The day began with a solemn prayer service invoking blessings for our beloved staff of St. Mary’s and their invaluable contributions. 

 The students presented skits in both Kannada and English illustrating important values and offering guidance, making it an enriching experience for both teachers and students. Following the skits, the school was treated to a series of beautiful dance performances including a warm welcome dance offering a beautiful red rose to each staff member, a vibrant folk dance, an energetic boy’s group dance and an outstanding performance by the team of school Bollywood dancers girls as well as boys.

The day was a perfect blend of talent, joy and respect, making it a memorable occasion for everyone involved.













 In the evening, the PTA hosted a special program under the guidance and co-ordination of PTA Vice President Mr. Antony Maxim DSouza, starting with prayer song, followed by dance, skit and games. The evening anchors Mr. Rakesh Shetty and Mrs. Harinakshi led the event with energy and charm. Both students and PTA members organized fun games for the staff members allowing them to relive the joy and excitement of student life.

The day was a perfect blend of talent, joy and respect, making it a memorable occasion for everyone involved.


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